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2505 S 37th Street | Temple, TX 76504



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Weston Inn Nursing & Rehabilitation, a Skilled Nursing Home in Temple, TX

Across the journey of recovery and health, Weston Inn Nursing & Rehabilitation provides short-term rehabilitation programs for patients who quickly need to  recover after hospitalization, as well as long-term care for those who need the additional support. In collaboration with our medical director and physicians, a team of healthcare professionals develop personalized care plans to get to the highest level of function possible.

Weston Inn’s gracious community eases residents into focusing solely on building their health. And they appreciate being able to recover in their own private rooms. Our return-to-home program evaluates all aspects of a resident’s life to help develop a plan to ensure success when they return to home after therapy.

Skilled Nursing Services

Private short-term rehabilitation suites
Onsite occupational, physical, speech, and wellness therapy
Complex disease management (diabetes, stroke recovery, CHF, COPD)
Highly Skilled Wound Care Management
Medication management
Joint replacement therapy
IV Therapy
Respite Care
Specialized nutritional care
Exciting and engaging activities
Hospice/Palliative Care
Beauty Shop on-site

Virtual Tour

What our residents, families, and team members are saying

I am so grateful for the Caraday Healthcare Weston Inn staff because they are so caring and compassionate.  I am so comforted to know my father is being taken care of by a staff that genuinely cares.

The Caraday staff genuinely cares!

The leadership team is very caring and concerned about everyone here, patients and staff alike. Every staff member is kind and accommodating. They have a wonderful team taking care of all of my medical needs as well as both physical and occupational therapy.

Love to work here! I have worked here going on 7 years! Family environment and always friendly faces.


We’re here for you. Call us at or contact us.