Caraday Training and Announcements

Caraday’s mission is rooted in building a sense of pride and purpose for all team members.  An important part of that is having opportunities to develop both professionally and personally.

Team members are encouraged to pursue training that enhances their job performance and personal sense of accomplishment.  For those positions that are required to complete annual training as noted by the Texas Health and Human Services, the links below will direct you to the appropriate training.

Nurse Aide In-Service Education: All Nurse Aides must complete the Texas Health and Human Services training annually to renew their certification.

Administrators Licensing and Enforcement: All Administrators must complete the Texas Health and Human Services training annually.

CEU360: A wide range of training programs that help team members succeed.

COVID-19 Training: The CMS Targeted COVID-19 Training is a great resource to put the latest information into practice.

BETTY Bonus: For accuracy in documenting Activities of Daily Living.