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Making your New Year’s Resolutions into Habits that Stick

Step by step

Our vision, in everything we do, is to convey a shared value of compassion, a commitment to excellence, open communications,
motivation to be the best, and a sense of personal integrity.

We are honored to care for our residents and share a passion to
make their days enriching and fulfilling. It’s The Caraday Way! 

Change your Approach
The issue is not with the goals that you’re setting, it’s in your approach to completing them. It is important to identify a ‘why’ first. Why do you want to accomplish this goal or make this life change? Identifying why you are doing things will help them take on greater meaning and make it easier to keep you motivated throughout the obstacles.

Make Microsteps
Approach your goals with small, easy to accomplish microsteps. This can also be considered ‘chunking.’ These are changes that you can implement into your daily life right away to make a change. For instance, if your goal is to eat healthier, one microstep you might begin with is putting on your calendar to go to the grocery store at a consistent time at the beginning of the week to buy fresh fruits and vegetables.

Develop a Support System
Another way to ensure that your habits stick is to tell your support system. No one can do something alone, so sharing your goals and progress with close friends or family is sure to keep you accountable and motivated. Moreover, working towards a goal with someone that you enjoy being around is sure to make the tough times more fun!

Change your Environment
Take a step back and evaluate who and what you are surrounded by. Small changes such as taking your running shoes out of the closet and putting them by the door are more likely to help you change your behavior quicker. On the converse, the phrase out of sight out of mind certainly plays true when you no longer have a delicious looking cupcake or cookies staring you in the face when you open your pantry every day.

If you can turn your resolutions into habits, slowly, day by day, they will take less and less motivation and effort to complete. Once grueling resolutions will become automatic daily rituals that you might even look forward to completing.