10 Ways to Build Gratitude into your Life

Our vision, in everything we do, is to convey a shared value of compassion, a commitment to excellence, open communications, motivation to be the best, and a sense of personal integrity.
We are honored to care for our residents and share a passion to make their days enriching and fulfilling. It’s The Caraday Way!
Reflecting on things you are grateful for and recognizing the struggles of others makes us all better humans. Try incorporating these easy ways to express gratitude into your routine and reap the numerous benefits.
- Smile. This very simple action is one of the easiest ways to show gratitude. This physical clue will not only make you feel better but also let others see your joy and encourage them to do the same.
- Send Thank- You Notes. While snail mail may seem obsolete, nothing quite beats a good-old fashioned handwritten note to show you truly care.
- Take a Walk Down Memory Lane. If you’re feeling down, browse through old photo albums, saved mementos, or social media posts. Reminiscing on fun times with family and friends is sure to boost your mood.
- Read inspiring stories. Reading stories and moments of gratitude of other people will help you appreciate your life.
- Give Back to your Community. Nothing makes you feel better than doing something nice for others. Volunteer at the hospital, donate books to a library, or pick up trash in your neighborhood.
- Do someone a favor. This is perhaps one of the simplest ways to show others you care. Paying for the person in the coffee line in front of you, or giving someone your seat are all smart acts that amount to insurmountable significance.
- Reflect. Reflect on both the good and the bad. Everything happens for a reason. While it might not be obvious what that reason is, don’t get bogged down in the bad, but learn to see the tiny good in each experience.
- Play Music. Feeling happy? Blare your favorite tunes and have a dance party. Feeling sad? Listen to some soulful blues, recognize your feelings, and rebound. Feeling stressed? Listen to some classical music to recalibrate.
- Be an Active Listener. Truly sitting back and internalizing what someone is saying to you is one of the most thoughtful ways to show that you care. Engaging with others is not all about talking, but about listening.
- Leave a Good Tip. At one point in our life, we’ve all worked a minimum wage job. Show the hardworking server, valet, hairdresser, barista, etc. that you truly appreciate their labor.