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10 Quick and Easy Healthy Food Tips to Integrate into Your Next Meal


Eating healthy does not have to be difficult or time-consuming. At Caraday we encourage even the smallest changes to set you on the path to developing healthier eating habits – it’s the Caraday Way!

By always being a friend to them and giving them support when they need it, so that they don’t lose sight of their goals.
Samantha Sciaccio
Regency House

Eating healthy can be challenging, yet a healthy diet has been scientifically proven to provide numerous health benefits for the mind, body, and soul. Eating healthy does not have to be difficult or time-consuming. A small change each day will set you on the path to developing healthier eating habits.

  1. Create a Meal Plan for the Week 
    Cooking dinner and eating healthy takes longer—or doesn’t happen at all—when you don’t have a plan. Take a look online or in a favorite cookbook for healthy recipes you want to make for dinner each night and shop for those recipes. Try to include a variety of ingredients, so you don’t get burnt out on the same flavors each day.
  2. Meal Prep
    Doing some prep work for the week will help save time and ease some of the stress of cooking. Some quick and easy foods to prepare for the week include quinoa, brown rice, and sweet potatoes—all are great for throwing into a salad or using as a side dish.
  3. Empty your Dishwasher Before You Eat
    As trivial as this sounds, it will encourage you to eat and have faster cleanup. Load up an empty dishwasher with dinner dishes and run it before bed so cleanup is easy and you can start cooking the next day without delays or an excuse.
  4. Slow Down
    Your appetite, how much you eat, and when you get full are controlled by hormones. It can take your brain up to 20 minutes to receive these messages from hormones, so eating slowly helps your brain recognize that you are full.
  5. Drink More Water.
    No matter how much water you think you’re drinking – always drink more. Water is vital for your health and may benefit weight loss, digestion, circulation, transportation of nutrients, and even skin complexion.
  6. Bake or Roast Instead of Grilling or Frying. Frying or grilling food may form potentially toxic compounds that have links to several diseases, including cancer and heart disease. Baking, broiling, simmering, or slow cooking are better cooking options for your health.
  7. Choose Whole Grain.
    You can easily make your diet healthier by choosing whole-grain bread over refined bread. Whole grains are a good source of fiber, B vitamins, and minerals, such as zinc, iron, magnesium, and manganese.
  8. Don’t Skip Breakfast.
    Eating a balanced and healthy breakfast kick starts your metabolism, which helps you burn more calories throughout the day. Breakfast gives you the energy you need to start and get through your day.
  9. Eat on Smaller Plates.
    Eating on larger plates makes your brain think you haven’t eaten enough. Smaller plates help you avoid overeating and lead you to feel full quicker.
  10. Add More Probiotic Foods to Your Diet.
    Probiotics help your gut replenish healthy bacteria, which leads to regular bowel movements and better digestive health. Probiotic foods—such as yogurt, apple cider, vinegar, and soft cheeses—help extract nutrients and build the immune system.

Adding just a few new tricks to your approach to meals can have a significant impact over time. Start with one or two and, once you’ve mastered them, add more.