Healthy Living Monthly Theme October

10 Habits for a Happy and Healthy Life

Senior, exercise, walking

Our vision in everything we do is to convey a shared value of compassion, a commitment to excellence, open communications, motivation to be the best, and a sense of personal integrity.

We are honored to care for our residents and share a passion to make their days enriching and fulfilling. It’s The Caraday Way!

Conscious or unconscious, habits shape how we live our lives. Some of these habits may be good and some may be bad—like that tendency to stress eat or indulge in junk food. But, did you know that it can take as little as 18 days to form a new habit and just over two months for that habit to become automatic?

Try forming these 10 healthy habits to feel great.

1. Stay physically active

2. Find a group to stay socially active with in your community

3. Focus on prevention
Preventative care visits such as colonoscopies, stress tests, and health screenings for cholesterol levels are extremely important aspects of your personal health profile.

4. Be informed on medication management
Review your medications with your doctor on a regular basis. Consider drug-drug interactions and make note of your symptoms after starting any new medications.

5. Find your spiritual center
Spirituality and faith help people feel a higher sense of purpose, peace, hope, and meaning. You may experience better confidence, self-esteem, and self-control.

6. Eat healthy

7. Re-evaluate your plans
Sometimes things work out and sometimes they don’t. Be flexible with your schedule and willing to change things around. Perhaps your plan to walk for an hour every day is too difficult, and you need to shorten it to 20 minutes and work your way up. Tweak your plans at the early stage but be persistent!

8. Get proper sleep

9. Keep your brain active

10. Get regular dental, vision, and hearing checkups